The Hamster Lodge

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My Hamster's Album(part two)
Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters
Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamsters
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" The begginning of a new life.... "

Pregnancy is usually marked by behavioural changes in the female hamster. Increase hoarding of food, busy burrowing and the building of a nest are just some of the more noticeable events.

A successful mating is marked less by the increasing body circumference ( some are easy to detect )and even though the pregnant female may be nearing delivery time, she will still be as active as ever.

Things to Note:

1) If cage area is too small, try to provide more room to
allow the female to build the birthing nest.

2) Nest is likely to form in the cage under the running
wheel, sleeping house or any other shady area. Hence try
to provide these options for the pregnant female.

3) It is advisable to change the litter/bedding 2-3 days
before predicted delivery time since the cage has to
remain untouched for at least 2 weeks after birth occurs.

4) Less handling of the pregnant female is advisable during
this period.

5) Provide a diet rich in vitamins and protein since young
pregnant females require a lot of protein ( even more so
if its her first pregnancy ).

6) Since the litter/bedding gets soiled easily, UNSCENTED
paper tissues can be added in the cage for use as
nest material.