How To Carry Your Hamster? ( try this only after it has gotten used to you ) Method 1) Scoop the hamster up slowly by placing two palms underneath it.Then with one hand underneath it, place the other hand on top to make a warm, dimly lit cave.Hence forming a roof over the hamster. Method 2) Grasp the hamster with one hand so that the thumb and fingers are positioned around its belly between the front and hind legs.The grip should be secure without pressure and this takes some experience. Method 3) Hold out a small container into which the hamster will fit easily. After it enters the container, pick it up gently. Make sure the container is big enough to prevent the hamster from jumping out.
7 Golden Rules for Handling: 1)Never disturb the hamster in its sleep. 2)Never press it hard, pinch or squeeze it. 3)Leave it alone when it squeaks, growls or avoids your hand. This means it wants to be undisturbed. 4)Never take hold of it when it is on its back and showing its teeth.It takes this posture when it feels threatened. 5)Put on leather or rubber gloves when separating fighting hamsters. You don't want to get me. 6)Never pick up any hamster by the skin of its neck. 7)Never trap or press the hamster with your hand, it will defend itself like it does against its predator. |
Avoid Dropping Your Hamster Dwarf hamsters are small and fragile. While playing with or holding your hamster, do this not too far away from the ground or floor. Broken limbs are hard to nurse and hamsters CAN die from disability! |